ALINA’s Clear Invisible Braces: A Better Invisalign Alternative

Achieving perfect teeth and a confident smile has become much easier and faster these days because of clear invisible braces. Dealing with misaligned teeth does not necessarily mean going through the entire process of getting dental impressions and having metal braces put in anymore.

A fast, comfortable, and effective teeth alignment journey – that’s what you can expect from clear invisible braces.

But first, what are invisible braces?

Invisible braces” is the umbrella term for several orthodontic treatment options, all of which are designed to be less visible in the mouth. These are just as, if not more effective for straightening teeth when compared to traditional metal braces.

While metal braces are undeniably effective, their look may put some people off, especially if they’re older or employed already.

Some people may be hesitant to have their misaligned teeth fixed, as metal braces use brackets, wires, and elastic bands that are attached to your mouth. These can be very distracting and may give users unwanted attention. This may affect the wearer’s confidence and prevent them from living their best lives.

By contrast, invisible braces allow you to achieve proper teeth alignment without worrying about noticeable changes in your appearance. With invisible braces, you can confidently flash that beautiful smile of yours.

Different Types of Invisible Braces and How They Work

There are different types of clear invisible braces, namely: ceramic or clear braces, lingual braces, and clear aligners.

No matter their design, invisible braces can treat common teeth alignment problems such as:

  • Dental crowding or when there is not enough space in the mouth for permanent teeth to properly grow straight
  • Dental gaps or extra space between teeth
  • Bite issues such as:
    • Overbite, or when your front teeth overlap the bottom front teeth more than the normal gap
    • Underbite or when your lower teeth extend farther than your front top teeth
    • Open bite or when your top and bottom front teeth do not bite in the correct position
    • Crossbite; when you close your mouth, some upper teeth sit inside the lower teeth or directly on top of them

Although they are all not as noticeable as metal braces and are effective treatments in resolving the above-mentioned dental problems, there are still some big differences between these types of invisible braces. 

1. Ceramic or Clear Braces

These are very similar to fixed metal braces. This design for braces uses brackets, wires, and elastic bands and is also affixed to your teeth. These braces cannot be removed until  your treatment is complete.

The main difference between the two is that ceramic braces use clear or tooth-colored brackets that blend with the natural color of your teeth, while clear braces are made from a clear plastic material. Ceramic braces help you avoid having a metal mouth look. However, ceramic brackets are prone to staining. They’re also more brittle than metal braces, and may crack if not careful.

2. Lingual Braces

These work the same as metal braces, with all the wires and brackets fixed on your teeth. However, brackets in lingual braces are attached behind your teeth, making them almost impossible to see.

3. Clear Aligners

Clear aligners offer a non-invasive and more comfortable teeth alignment treatment. Clear aligners are currently the most popular invisible braces option, as they provide a clean, clear look all throughout treatment.

Clear aligners are made from 3D printed plastic aligner trays that are smooth and light, making them more comfortable to wear compared to metal braces. Their streamlined design also makes them less likely to irritate your lips, tongue, and cheeks.

When using this tooth straightening treatment option, patients will be given a set of plastic aligner trays that are custom-designed for their mouths. Each tray will gradually and carefully move misaligned teeth into a new position, just like traditional braces do.

In the past, dental impressions would be used in the construction of the trays. However, with ALINA aligners, a 3D scan is made of the patient’s skull and jaw, and Ai is used to predict what their best smile might look like. Then, the trays are constructed and will gently move the teeth until they are in their optimal positions.

The number of aligner trays required for your treatment depends on the severity of your case. You will have to wear each tray usually for up to three weeks, and you should wear them for about 22 hours a day.

There are two types of clear aligners: the In-Office Clear Aligners, or those fitted and constructed directly by your orthodontist at their clinics; and At-Home Clear Aligners, where treatment takes place entirely in the comfort of your home.

Invisible Braces vs. Invisalign

Invisible braces are less noticeable compared to metal braces. However, when it comes to these three types of invisible braces, clear aligners like ALINA provide more benefits to the patient.

First, they are entirely and easily removable. These can give you:

  • Better oral hygiene: Cleaning your teeth will be easier and more convenient than if you were wearing fixed braces. The likelihood of accumulating plaque, or developing gingivitis or  other gum diseases is reduced.
  • Fewer food restrictions: You won’t have to modify your diet, as there is no need to avoid hard and sticky foods that may damage traditional braces.

Second, they are made of smooth and light materials and are not permanently affixed to the interior of your mouth. This means:

  • No wires that might poke the insides of your mouth.
  • No brackets that might get loose.
  • Reduced likelihood of developing canker sores and wounds.

How much do braces cost in the Philippines?

The cost of metal braces is usually lower compared to modern designs such as ceramic braces and lingual braces. Traditional metal braces range from Php 30,000  to Php 90,000.

The price of invisible braces is a little bit higher than metal because of the materials used. Installation of these also requires specialized training on the part of orthodontists. Typical invisible braces price can go from PhP 180,000 for a mild case, to PhP 250,000 for severe cases.

A Better Invisalign Alternative

Now, if you’re looking for a teeth alignment treatment and you’re after the advantages of clear aligners, we’ve got a better Invisalign alternative for you.

Meet ALINA’s Clear Invisible Braces. 

One of the fastest growing, most trusted, and most convenient providers of clear invisible braces here in the Philippines, ALINA ensures that you are truly able to uncover your smile.

How? ALINA does not only look at your teeth in their current position to determine what treatment you need. Our AlinaSmile technology studies all your facial features extensively, considering the shape of your face, the position of your jaw, and the angle of your teeth to determine your most beautiful smile.

How does it work? Your ALINA treatment journey will start with a consultation with our experts. 3D scanning of your teeth is easy and pain-free. No need also to frequently visit your dentist as your ALINA braces will be delivered directly to your door.

You can have ALINA’s Clear Invisible Braces at a very reasonable price.

Ready to start your ALINA Clear Invisible Braces journey? Book a consult today.

The ALINA Promise

ALINA guarantees a smile unique to you—so you can finally uncover your smile